Part of our job in the BCC Arte & Cultura project is to provide the “high fidelity” visualizations for each artwork. For some that means one of our 3D scans, for others it’s simply a zoomable interface. Our clients are making a “standard” website and simply linking to our server for the high fidelity version. We are not done processing all the artworks, but we can provide the URL in advance, they are all ordered by a bank/author-title schema. I wrote a script for creating the folder structure, but then I wanted to provide a single page listing all the URLs to our clients.
With a bit of research I found out a oneliner using the tree command.
You can try the result on
“opere” is just the relative path between the location where I’m running the command and the directory structure I wanted to transverse.
tree opere -d -H "" > index.html
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