Tag: open source

  • AI News: Music generation, Energy consumption, learn the basics

    Music generation There are several use-cases for algorithmically generating music, and indeed there is a long history of both hardware and software in this field. Back in the 80s there was even a significant professional backlash against MIDI and drum machines. For example, it would be quite handy to generate anechoic sounds for acoustics listening…

  • TIL-post: point cloud processing

    We’re working on a small archeo-acoustics project, whose starting point is a LiDAR-obtained point cloud in LAS format. This is the first time we’ve worked with this kind of data, so I’m writing down the data processing steps. There is a complete tutorial on handling point clouds in Blender by Florent Poux: https://youtu.be/DCkFhHNeSc0 In order…

  • TIL: minimal PWA setup

    TIL: minimal PWA setup

    Our webdev approach tends towards the minimal, we’re allergic to leaky abstractions. Even using WordPress for this blog is mostly motivated by learning more about such a popular system, for everything else we use good old HTML + CSS + JS, served by a good old Apache web server. PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) are websites…

  • AI Linkpost

    Short collection of links about AI, and especially local AI

  • TIL: manually set object origin in Blender

    TIL: manually set object origin in Blender

    This one is pretty basic: in order to change the origin of an object you can right click and choose one of the options: Or you can set it manually, just go into Edit Mode, then at the top right of the viewfinder go to Options, Transform, Affect Only Origins. This allows you to move…

  • TIL: multiple selection modes in Blender

    TIL: multiple selection modes in Blender

    When in Edit Mode, you can switch the selection mode between Vertex, Edge and Face, using the icons right next to the drop down menu from which you can switch to Object Mode. You can also use the 1, 2, 3 keys as a shortcut. What I just learned is that if you Shift+click on…

  • Press Release: Sala Venezia Giulia

    Press Release: Sala Venezia Giulia

    The BCC ICCREA group issued a press release about the newly available Sala Venezia Giulia: an additional room for temporary exhibitions in the Arte in Banca virtual gallery. The room currently hosts 5 works by Graziano Cuberli. An inauguration reception was held in Romans d’Isonzo. For the occasion we overhauled the rest of the Arte…

  • TIL: “fix” Blender zoom

    TIL: “fix” Blender zoom

    With the default Blender settings it is quite common to get into situation where you just can’t get close enough to your object. There are two tricks to fixing it. The first is to use the Shift+C shortcut, to reset. The second is to enable Auto Depth, under Edit > Preferences > Navigation, as shown…

  • AI Linkpost – 2024-02-06

    Local AI Apple open-sourced this interesting local AI for instruction-based image editing. https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile https://github.com/apple/ml-ferret General AI news https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/17/24041518/generative-ai-copyright-violation-fair-training-label-certification: Nonprofit group Fairly Trained plans to certify AI models that ask permission to use copyrighted material. https://moritzgiessmann.de/blog/posts/using-ai-for-accessibility/ https://www.theuxda.com/blog/ux-case-study-ai-powered-spatial-banking-for-apple-vision-pro https://arstechnica.com/health/2024/01/what-do-threads-mastodon-and-hospital-records-have-in-common/ Building a fully local LLM voice assistant to control my smart home: Hacker News Thread Mixtral 8x7B: A…

  • Local AI Linkpost

    Links to models that you can run yourself. They call them Open Source, which is not exactly accurate, their licenses are more restrictive, but in practice you can used them, even for commercial applications, and you can poke around them quite a bit. We should probably write a tutorial on how to run these models…