About E-MUSE

A cross-domain team dedicated to the digitalization of art and culture

Giulia Furlotti
Spatial design, 3D modelling
Adriano Farina
Immersive tech, Developer
Benedetta Calugi
Designer and Illustrator
Graphic and narrative design

Our values

We strongly believe in accessibility, in Open Source, in Creative Commons, in Open Access, and most importantly in the Open Web. In order to live in a free society, the technology used in that society must be free (as in speech). For this reason our workflow is stuffed with open source software and with open liceneses, and we encourage our customers to pick copyleft licenses whenever it is possible, in order to encourage the free reuse of assets. We think this is not just an ideological position, it is in the best interests of both us and out customers.

On the internet data is not scarce, but attention is limited. The current restrictive approach taken by the Italian (and French) cultural institutions is risky. In the short term it comes off as elitist, and in the long term it could discourage the rest of the world from paying attention to our cultural heritage, resulting in a loss of mind-share. At the same time, it has never resulted in significant cash flows.

In the Press

Bain Special Award | BCC Innovation Festival 2022

We were selected for the Bain&Company Special Award at the Innovation Festival run by the BCC ICCREA group in 2022. Above you can see a digitization of the glass plaque we were given.

Sole 24 Ore | Article

This article in Sole 24 Ore retells the main stages in the BCC Innovation Festival, describing the winning startups, including E-MUSE.

Ideale | Article

The "ARTE IN BANCA" project was described in Ideale, BCC Venezia Giulia's magazine. It explains the origins of the project and how it was designed. Here is a PDF.

BCC ICCREA Group | Press release

Press release from the BCC ICCREA banking group on the Arte in Banca project, built for BCC Venezia Giulia. Here is the canonical link.

BCC ICCREA Group | Press release

Press release from the BCC ICCREA banking group on the new space for temporary exhibitions that we added to the Arte in Banca project, built for BCC Venezia Giulia. Here is the canonical link.

BCC Innovation Festival 2024 | Press release

Press release from the BCC ICCREA banking group anouncing the start of BCC Innovation Festival 2024, for which we built immersive features (the scrollable splash feature, a couple of AR views) and a whole virtual world enabling real-time multiuser interactions, all from the browser, on any device. Try BCC Innovation World, and check out the press release.