E-MUSE Blog: developing immersive museums

  • The Open Access saga goes on

    Read the latest developments on the rules regarding Open Access and cultural heritage in the Italian legislative system: https://www.wikimedia.it/news/il-cammino-verso-lopen-access-in-italia/ Our own position is that eventually openness will win out, simply because the state is trying to charge for something that people are not willing to pay for, and the state has very little enforcement power…

  • XR News for 2024-04-23

    People expected big changes after the release of the Apple Vision Pro, and some are visibly disappointed. Apple tends to have a big effect on the mainstream, lots of people seem to think that they invented the smartphone, when the iPhone came out I was using my third smartphone. XR technology has been commercially available…

  • Corrections to the cultural heritage images licensing regime

    Last year a mandatory fee regime was introduced for images of publicly-owned cultural heritage artifacts. This is morally wrong, but it is also impractical. A new regulation came out in March modifying the rules and introducing exemptions. Wikimedia Italia wrote about it on their Arkivia blog. Academic works and news are now exempted from the…

  • AI News: Music generation, Energy consumption, learn the basics

    Music generation There are several use-cases for algorithmically generating music, and indeed there is a long history of both hardware and software in this field. Back in the 80s there was even a significant professional backlash against MIDI and drum machines. For example, it would be quite handy to generate anechoic sounds for acoustics listening…

  • BCC Innovation Festival news coverage

    BCC Innovation Festival news coverage

    We’re working on the immersive component of the BCC Innovation Festival: a startup event that we won back in 2022. There are still around two weeks to participate, and we’re aggregating a little bit of media coverage. Mostly it’s because we like seeing our own work (the 3D model of the low-poly Rodin statue) featured…

  • An unflattering 3D reconstruction comparison

    An unflattering 3D reconstruction comparison

    We’re experimenting with macro tubes for photogrammetry, and we tried a comparison between two different cameras and two different reconstruction techniques. The subject was this rather hideous figurine of Bib Fortuna, Jabba the Hutt’s adviser, that a local supermarket gave out a few years ago. The difficulties stem from its diminutive size and from its…

  • TIL-post: point cloud processing

    We’re working on a small archeo-acoustics project, whose starting point is a LiDAR-obtained point cloud in LAS format. This is the first time we’ve worked with this kind of data, so I’m writing down the data processing steps. There is a complete tutorial on handling point clouds in Blender by Florent Poux: https://youtu.be/DCkFhHNeSc0 In order…

  • Self description considered harmful

    In the post on alt-text from the other day we briefly talked about our perplexity about self descriptions: the trendy practice of describing one’s appearance when speaking at online conferences. The new WebAIM screen reader user survey came out, and it turns out that 68% or respondents agree with us.

  • TIL: minimal PWA setup

    TIL: minimal PWA setup

    Our webdev approach tends towards the minimal, we’re allergic to leaky abstractions. Even using WordPress for this blog is mostly motivated by learning more about such a popular system, for everything else we use good old HTML + CSS + JS, served by a good old Apache web server. PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) are websites…

  • AI Linkpost

    Short collection of links about AI, and especially local AI

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