Tag: AI

  • AI News: Music generation, Energy consumption, learn the basics

    Music generation There are several use-cases for algorithmically generating music, and indeed there is a long history of both hardware and software in this field. Back in the 80s there was even a significant professional backlash against MIDI and drum machines. For example, it would be quite handy to generate anechoic sounds for acoustics listening…

  • An unflattering 3D reconstruction comparison

    An unflattering 3D reconstruction comparison

    We’re experimenting with macro tubes for photogrammetry, and we tried a comparison between two different cameras and two different reconstruction techniques. The subject was this rather hideous figurine of Bib Fortuna, Jabba the Hutt’s adviser, that a local supermarket gave out a few years ago. The difficulties stem from its diminutive size and from its…

  • AI Linkpost

    Short collection of links about AI, and especially local AI

  • AI Linkpost – 2024-02-06

    Local AI Apple open-sourced this interesting local AI for instruction-based image editing. https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile https://github.com/apple/ml-ferret General AI news https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/17/24041518/generative-ai-copyright-violation-fair-training-label-certification: Nonprofit group Fairly Trained plans to certify AI models that ask permission to use copyrighted material. https://moritzgiessmann.de/blog/posts/using-ai-for-accessibility/ https://www.theuxda.com/blog/ux-case-study-ai-powered-spatial-banking-for-apple-vision-pro https://arstechnica.com/health/2024/01/what-do-threads-mastodon-and-hospital-records-have-in-common/ Building a fully local LLM voice assistant to control my smart home: Hacker News Thread Mixtral 8x7B: A…

  • Local AI Linkpost

    Links to models that you can run yourself. They call them Open Source, which is not exactly accurate, their licenses are more restrictive, but in practice you can used them, even for commercial applications, and you can poke around them quite a bit. We should probably write a tutorial on how to run these models…

  • Some AI news, and EU regulation

    Some AI news, and EU regulation

    This ended up being a pretty weird post, juxtaposing technical releases and legal developments, we don’t know if we really managed to give it a coherent shape, but this is very much the complex space in which the future of digital humanities, and indeed the future of everything we do, is being shaped. There are…